Our cattle are sustainably raised, 100% grass-fed, and grass-finished beef. We don’t feed them antibiotics or give them any hormones or GMO feed. Our animals are treated humanely from birth to processing and our farms use rotational grazing practices that don’t require any herbicides, pesticides or fertilizers. We offer the finest, nutrient-rich grass-fed beef available in the area!
Our natural 100% grass-fed beef is humanely raised with no antibiotics or added hormones, and always raised on open pasture. We believe in supporting our ranchers’ way of life and in raising cattle the right way. Studies show that when cattle are raised humanely on grass they produce beef that is more nutritious.
Angus cattle are naturally polled and can be black or red in color although black is the dominant color, white may occasionally appear on the udder. They are resistant to harsh weather, undemanding, adaptable, good-natured, mature extremely early and have a high carcass yield with nicely marbled meat. Angus are renowned as a carcass breed. They are used widely in crossbreeding to improve carcass quality and milking ability. Angus females calve easily and have good calf rearing ability. They are also used as a genetic dehorner as the polled gene is passed on as a dominant characteristic.